Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Back from Taiwan

First and foremost, on behalf of Bubble Tea House Company we would like to extend our thanks to everyone in Taiwan who made our visit easy, fun, informative and so much more! In fact, a mere thank you, doesn't seem enough. We are so incredibly excited to have found such amazing partners that share our vision of a Bubble Tea Revolution and we cannot wait to move forward with our plans!

Taiwan seems like a beautiful country, it is a shame that we had no time to experience it at all! We spent so much time in meetings and visiting local vendors of Bubble Tea that we felt like we were in an apprentice challenge! But, we cannot wait to share our new products, ideas and so much more with you. We hope that in the coming months you will move alongside of us at the forefront of the Bubble Tea Revolution that is taking the European culinary arena by storm!

For one week we took part in further training, discussions with current manufacturers and potential new partners, developed new recipe formulas to improve product quality. We delved deeper into the past, present and future trends of the Bubble Tea industry in Taiwan and globally. Also, we sourced new ideas that will make an impact in your business and will help you grow your sales. All in all we submerged ourselves yet again in the world of Bubble Tea as it is in Taiwan.

At the moment, we cannot encourage you enough to sign up to our newsletter and keep checking facebook and twitter for new blog updates. A lot will change in the following months leading up to spring! We haven't been sending many newsletters at the moment, but please bare with us... we are gearing up to take the Bubble Tea world by storm and we cannot wait for you to be a part of it with us!

Thanks again Taiwan!!!!

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